miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

My english experience

Hello everybody, today I’m going to talk about my English skills and experience here in the classes, particularly my experience with blogs. I realized just two courses of English at the university, the third and fourth level, actually, I’m on the fourth level and I hope approve. I have a complaint with the English, in my opinion, the English are not focuses on our disciplines, conversely, their prepare us for another things like survive in an English spoken country, not for read papers and scientific literature written in English. Despite this, the blogs experience allows to me improve my fluently and my vocabulary speaking and writing in English.  
I need improve my skills In English, fundamentally my pronunciations and the times. Is very difficult to my know when I have to use the different times and conjugate verbs. Another thing difficult to my is the use of proposition, for example, I have to use on and I use in, this thing are very difficult to me and for my learning. Other important thing is the technical vocabulary, for example, I have to read scientific articles and I don’t understand much, or when I have to write an abstract in English, etc.
Outside the classes I try to use the English in two ways, in the movies and on the internet, because I don’t have foreign friends, or everybody talks Spanish, I cannot practice my English talking with another people, therefore, I surf the internet and I try to watch movies in English to use it.

See you soon, bye.

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